Category Archives: Local

Couple smiling at each other with dog on hike

5 Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails near OKC

During the warm-weather months, many people enjoy spending their time outdoors soaking up the sun and experiencing natural beauty. For dog owners, spending time outdoors with their furry friends is far more enjoyable than going at it alone. That’s why our Battison Honda team compiled a list of 5 dog-friendly hiking trails in the OKC area. Continue reading below to check out 5 places you can hike through nature with your canine pal.

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Dad fathers day sign

What Can I Do for Father’s Day Around Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore

Father’s Day 2021 Events and Ideas in Oklahoma City  

Father’s Day 2021 is right around the corner as Sunday, June 20th is quickly approaching. Are you wondering what you can do for Father’s Day around Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Moore? Our team at Battison Honda has some Father’s Day events and ideas for you and your father to enjoy around Oklahoma City this year. Check them out below! 

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Closeup of hands signing documents

How Much Are Vehicle Taxes and Fees in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma City Tax, Title, License Fees 

Buying a vehicle comes with more than just the sticker price. Taxes, title fees, and registration costs can add up, so it’s important to know what to expect before making a purchase. Whether you’re a first-time car buyer or simply need to renew your vehicle registration, this guide from Battison Honda in Oklahoma City, OK will help you navigate the various costs associated with owning a car in Oklahoma. 

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Lineup of colorful Easter eggs with purple "Happy Easter" text

What’s Going on for Easter in Oklahoma City this Year?

2021 Easter Egg Hunts, Activities and Events in Moore and Edmond 

We are just an eggs-throw away from Easter weekend and many families around Oklahoma City are searching for fun and safe activities to do for the holiday weekend. The Oklahoma City, Moore, and Edmond areas are full of fun to be had this Easter, with egg hunts, activities, and family-friendly events going on all over town. Our team at Battison Honda has put together this list of our favorite 2021 Easter events coming up in our area. See what’s going on around Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Moore for Easter this year below before hopping behind the wheel of your 2021 Honda Passport and heading out for Easter fun.  

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Deserted trail through forest

Oklahoma City Welcomes Ghost Enthusiasts with 2020 Ghost Tours

Ghost Tours and Haunted Walks Oklahoma City 2020 

Fall is here and there’s no better time to enjoy all things spooky than now. Oklahoma City is full of haunted walks and ghost tours this fall. If you are looking for a way to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air while getting a little spooked, check out one of these ghost tours going on around Oklahoma City.  

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Field of pumpkins in front of barn

Where Can I Pick Pumpkins Around Oklahoma City?

Local Oklahoma City Fall Pumpkin Patch 2020 

The fall season is nearly here and many families around Oklahoma City are looking to pick pumpkins to fill their homes with fall fun. The Oklahoma City area is full of all things fall this time of year, with many local pumpkin patches opening up for the 2020 season. Our team here at Battison Honda has put together a quick local guide to where you can pick pumpkins around our great Oklahoma City area this fall season. Check out great local pumpkin patches below! 

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Assortment of food with "Where Can I Buy Steaks for Labor Day in Oklahoma City?" white text

Where Can I Buy Steaks for Labor Day in Oklahoma City?

Best Meat Shops and Butchers Near Oklahoma City 

Labor Day is right around the corner which means many Oklahoma City locals are looking for where they can buy the best steaks from local shops. While Labor Day marks the end of summer for many, there’s no better way to celebrate than by pulling out the grill and cooking up some great steaks and burgers from a local butcher.  

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Red 2019 Honda Accord

Are Any Oklahoma City Dealerships Offering Memorial Day Sales?

Memorial Day Pre-Owned Vehicle Sale at Battison Honda in Oklahoma City 

Shoppers in the Oklahoma City area that are looking to get behind the wheel of a used Honda are sure to find their fit this weekend at Battison Honda. Our dealership is home to a wide selection of quality used vehicles, including a full range of pre-owned Honda models. So, what exactly can you get at the Memorial Day Sale at Battison Honda this weekend? Keep reading to find out.  

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Couple walking into dealership

What Happens Now in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma Approaching Phase 2 of Reopening  

May 6 marked the end of the Oklahoma safer-at-home orders. With the end of the orders, the state has continued in its phasing process to get the state back into normal operations. As the state pushes towards entering phase two of the reopening stages there is some confusion around what this means for the citizens of Oklahoma. In this guide, we are going to break down what it means for you now that Oklahoma is approaching the second phase of its reopening. 

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